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Membership Terms and Conditions

1. General


1.1.  All Corporate and Affiliate Members must provide details of a designated primary contact for their organisation. For Individual Members, the individual is deemed to be the primary contact.


1.2.  It is the responsibility of the designated primary contact to keep The Engineers Reuse Collective CIC up to date with any changes to the organisation’s name, address, telephone numbers, email addresses, websites, logos etc.


1.3.  The designated primary contact takes full responsibility for having gained permission from all listed contacts to be added to The Engineers Reuse Collective CIC mailings.


1.4.  It is the responsibility of the primary contact at your organisation to ensure that these terms and conditions are understood by all member contacts.


1.5.  The Engineers Reuse Collective CIC reserves the right to change these terms & conditions without giving further notice to its members.


1.6. 1.6.    The Engineers Reuse Collective CIC acts as a conduit for knowledge and information sharing and any information obtained should be treated as guidance only. No liability for negligence or otherwise is accepted by the CIC, and we will not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage, arising in connection with the use of, or reliance on, such guidance.


2.  Membership Conditions

2.1.  Members are expected to support the work of The Engineers Reuse Collective CIC, including, but not limited to:

  • Sharing information on projects with reuse potential (subject to client approval)

  • Sharing best practice examples and case studies of reuse projects

  • Sharing lessons learnt and how challenges to reuse were overcome


2.2.  Members must not seek to gain any commercial advantage through knowledge of any project information gained via The Engineers Reuse Collective CIC. Project information is provided solely for the purposes of promoting and accelerating reuse within the built environment.


2.3.  Members must respect the design decisions and technical engineering solutions prepared by others.


2.4.  Members accept that The Engineers Reuse Collective CIC is an independent entity and will act in accordance with its Articles.

3.  Membership Types

3.1.  Corporate Member is available to all organisations involved in structural engineering design in the UK.


3.2.  Affiliate Member is available to all organisations involved in the built environment sector in the UK.


3.3.  Individual Member is available to individuals who support the aims of The Engineers Reuse Collective CIC and who wish to actively participate in supporting its work.


3.4.  Membership is activated upon receipt of the payment of membership fees by The Engineers Reuse Collective CIC.


3.5.  It is the responsibility of the member to ensure any specific invoicing instructions such as quoting a purchase order number or having to submit an invoice via an electronic system, are given in advance of or promptly after the issuing of the invoice.

All members are entitled to receive the benefits associated with their particular membership type.


3.6.  Corporate and Affiliate Members may nominate individuals to act as an Authorised Representative for voting on its behalf at General Meetings of The Engineers Reuse Collective CIC. The maximum number of Authorised Representatives is as follows:

  • Corporate Member – Band 1: Up to 2 Authorised Representatives

  • Corporate Member – Band 2: Up to 5 Authorised Representatives

  • Corporate Member – Band 3: Up to 8 Authorised Representatives

  • Corporate Member – Band 4: Up to 10 Authorised Representatives

  • Affiliate Member: 1 Authorised Representative (unless nominated otherwise, this will be the designated primary contact).


4.  Membership Renewals

4.1.  All membership renewal dates are on the first day of a given month. Invoices will be issued via email on that day (or as close as possible).


4.2.  Membership renewal notifications will be issued to the primary contact and/or any other specified persons by email.


4.3.  It is the responsibility of the member to ensure any specific invoicing instructions such as quoting a purchase order number or having to submit an invoice via an electronic system, are given in advance of or promptly after the issuing of the invoice.


4.4.  Membership renewal invoices should be paid within 30 days of the date of issue. The Engineers Reuse Collective CIC reserves the right to terminate the membership of any organisation that fails to pay their fee within 30 days.


5.  Termination of Membership

5.1.  Members must inform us no later than 30 days after being issued their renewal invoice if they will not be renewing their membership.


5.2.  Members can provide notice us any time in advance of their renewal date that they do not wish to renew. In these circumstances, members will be entitled to full benefits up until their renewal date.


5.3.  Membership termination confirmation will be sent to the primary contact and any other specified contacts.


5.4.  The Engineers Reuse Collective CIC reserves the right to terminate membership with immediate effect.


6.  Use of The Engineers Reuse Collective logos

6.1.  The Engineers Reuse Collective CIC logos must only be used by Corporate and Affiliate Members in accordance with the associated guidelines.


6.2.  The Engineers Reuse Collective CIC logos should not be used by Individual Members.


6.3.  On termination of membership, all logos or references to The Engineers Reuse Collective CIC membership must be removed from company literature, website, email signatures etc.


6.4.  Continued use of The Engineers Reuse Collective CIC logos after membership termination will be reported to Trading Standards.



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